Work to expand waiting area near Brest border crossing to begin in September


 Work to expand the waiting area near the Brest border checkpoint will begin in September, BelTA learned from the Belarusian State Customs Committee.

Following Poland’s unilateral decision, all checkpoints for passenger traffic on the Belarusian-Polish border except for one, Brest, have been closed. The only border checkpoint in operation accumulates huge queues of passenger cars waiting to leave Belarus. The grounds near the Brest border crossing have been recently renovated, with the provision of a food truck, rest areas, and lighting.
“Work to expand the waiting area near the border crossing more than four times will begin in September. The current site is designed for 135 cars. Once the reconstruction work is complete, the site will be made to accommodate 500 cars,” the committee said. “Belarus is doing everything possible to make long waiting for travelers maximally comfortable.”
