Some 2.8 million people have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in Belarus, Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich said in an interview with Belarus 1 TV Channel, BelTA has learned.

According to Dmitry Pinevich, the number of vaccinated people is growing. About 2.9 million people have been vaccinated with the first component of the vaccine. “Slightly less than 4% of vaccinated people are in hospitals, less than 0.5% – in intensive care units. This proves that the vaccine works. People have heard us. We do not allow any pressure to vaccinate. I think it is very important,” the minister said.

According to him, people who have been vaccinated are already asking about revaccination. “Sputnik Light, which was purchased for young people, students (they can be vaccinated with a single component), is also widely used in revaccination,” he added.

Dmitry Pinevich said that he had already got revaccinated and also got a flu shot. “I communicate with quite a lot of people and visit the red zone. This is my protection,” the minister stressed.

According to the healthcare minister, there has not yet been an intense decline in the incidence of COVID-19. “We can see a slow stabilization. The same numbers of people contracting COVID-19. The number of discharged patients is growing. Fewer patients with pneumonia are admitted to hospitals. This trend continues,” he stated.


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