Глаза – главные помощники

В рамках проекта «Быть здоровым жить активно — это стильно, позитивно» проведено информационно – практическое занятие «Глаза – главные помощники» с учащимися начальных классов ГУО УПК «Хвиневичский детский-сад, средняя школа».

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First cup event at Belarusian State University to highlight Minsk European Games

The Philosophy and Social Sciences Faculty of the Belarusian State University (BSU) will host its local cup competition on 18 May featuring over 100 students and professors. The goal is to raise the public awareness of the forthcoming multi-sport event, the 2nd European Games, BelTA learned from the university. BSU is an official partner of […]

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“Ноч музеяў-2019” у Дзятлаве

Цікавую і насычаную праграму ў Міжнародны дзень музеяў – 18 мая прапанавалі сваім наведвальнікам работнікі Дзятлаўскага гісторыка-краязнаўчага музей. Самы актыўны ўдзел ў мерапрыемствах прынялі юныя дзятлаўчане.

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In Minsk discussed the organization of the news service of the II European games

The organization of the European games news service was discussed at a seminar for press secretaries of the national Olympic committees and European sports federations, which was held in Minsk in preparation for the II European games, BelTA was informed by the press service of the games Directorate. News service on the largest sports forums […]

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European Olympic Committees press secretaries meet in Minsk

Communication and media relations specialists of the European National Olympic Committees, European and international sports federations have gathered in Minsk less than two months ahead of the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019, BelTA learned from the press service of the Minsk European Games Organizing Committee (MEGOC). Taking part in the seminar are representatives of the […]

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